Entry rules to the Republic of Azerbaijan during COVID-19 pandemic

The citizens of the below-mentioned countries, as well as citizens of the other
countries and stateless persons permanently residing in the following countries
are allowed to entry-exit the Republic of Azerbaijan by air transport, according to
the relevant decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan:

1. Russia
2. Turkey
3. USA
4. UK
5. Hungary
6. Israel
7. UAE
8. Bahrain
9. Qatar
10. Germany
11. Austria
12. Belgium
13. Czech Republic
14. Denmark
15. lreland
16. Spain
17. Sweden
18. Switzerland
19. Canada
20. Luxembourg
21. Malta
22. Netherlands
23. Poland
24. Portugal
25. Serbia
26. Singapore
27. Slovenia
28. Slovakia
29. Greece
30. China
31. Estonia
32. Finland
33. France
34. Croatia
35. Island
36. Italy
37. Latvia
38. Lithuania
39. Malaysia
40. Saudi Arabia
41. Japan 
42. Hong Kong (Chinese special administrative region)
43. Argentina
44. Australia
45. Brazil
46. Brunei
47. South Korea
48. Chile
49. Ecuador
50. Cambodia
51. Costa Rica
52. Cuba
53. Kuwait
54. Kazakhstan
55. Maldives
56. Mexico
57. Morocco
58. Mongolia
59. Montenegro
60. Norway
61. 0man
62. Panama
63. Salvador
64. Uruguay
65. New Zealand
66. Jordan
67. Cyprus
68. Ukraine

69. Belarus

70. Romania

71. Albania

72. Dominican

73. Phillipines

74. Georgia

75. India

76. Indonesia

77. Iran

78. Colombia

79. Moldova

80. Uzbekistan

81. Pakistan 

82. Peru

83. Tajikistan

84. Thailand

85. Tunisia

86. Turkmenistan

87. Venezuela

88. Bilgaria

89. Bhutan

90. South Africa Republic

91. Guatemala

92. Laos

93. Lebanon

94. Mauritius

95. Egypt

96. Myanmar

97. Nepal

98. Paraguay

99. North Macedonia Republic

100. Sri Lanka

101. Vietnam


Passengers over 18 years old- on the basis of a COVID-19 passport (an official
certificate confirming the completion of the full course of vaccination or official
certificate of recovery from COVID-19);

• Certificate of a negative result of COVID-19 PCR test is not required from the
passengers leaving the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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